Free Our Friend Saeed From Evin Prison

Dear Friends – Please read this urgent plea from Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh – a dear friend. There is a second petition that must be signed before February 20th. The First was to get our state department to recognize the “problem” and take action. This petition is to be turned into the Revolutionary Guard/Government of Iran in the appeal process in hopes of freeing Saeed. It just takes a second to do and can have a great impact on the outcome. Please pass this on to any friends and family you have as well. Thanks so much.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” Proverbs 31:8


Hi Dear friends and family in Jesus,

As many of you know, the Appeal to Saeed’s 8 year sentence has been turned in by his attorney last week. We have a very short window of time until the final verdict is given to put pressure on the Iranian government.

We have less than two weeks (by Feb. 20th) to present UN and EU with a petition that we are hoping will have minimum of 300,000 signatures. The more signatures, the better, 300,000 is the minimum! Unfortunately, We are still below 200,000 signatures!

Since this goes to the UN and EU and…signatures from ALL OVER THE WORLD are needed (Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America, Canada, USA, Mexico…).

I urge all of you to sign the petition and share and spread the news so that we not only reach the minimum, but reach close to a 1,000,000 signatures!

The time is crucial and we need to get the word out. Please sign and spread the word. Here is the link:


Naghmeh Abedini
